According to a survey conducted by Pixie Technology, Americans spend approximately 2.5 days a year looking for misplaced items with keys and TV remotes being two of the biggest culprits. That same survey shows that people spend roughly $2,700,000,000 REPLACING those items!

As an organizer, my goal consists of six Rs:

  • Reduce time and money spent by knowing what you have and where it is
  • Recycle unwanted or unused items back into the stream of commerce to let someone else enjoy
  • Repurpose what you own already so you are not spending unnecessarily 
  • Revitalize your area so you can be at your most productive
  • Replace chaos with order

  • Reclaim peace in your space

ReduceWaste reduction and its resulting efficiency and economy in your home are the most noticeable benefits of organization.

By having a specific spot for keys or a remote control to land, you do not lose valuable time (or your temper) searching for them.

The same is true for having specific spots for consumables in your home. If toilet paper or canned tomatoes have a certain spot in a linen closet or pantry respectively, you can always see how much you have on hand so as not to overbuy or house expired food.

Recycle – The thrift economy has grown exponentially in the past few years as evidenced by the rise in resale apps and thrift stores. People want an ethical and environmentally friendly alternative to fast fashion and mass produced home goods.

By editing what you own, you are not only clearing the way so that the belongings you cherish are seen every day, but you are also allowing someone else an opportunity to enjoy the items that no longer serve your needs.

RepurposeIf you are aware of what you have, you can often make do with what you have without purchasing specialty items.

As an example, if you do not make cakes often, instead of buying a pastry bag for the one time you need to frost cupcakes, consider using a zip top bag with a corner cut out. You probably already have the plastic bags and you will not have a surplus kitchen gadget cluttering up a drawer.

Revitalize, Replace, & Reclaim – After you are free from unnecessary belongings, you will be able to breathe new life into your home. You will exchange things that are worn out or broken for new ones or you will simply enjoy the sense of space.

Once everything has its place, productivity goes up, expenditure goes down, and calm will prevail in your space.

Have a perfectly practical, practically perfect day!

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