What’s holding you back?

“Oh gosh! I would be so embarrassed for someone to see my mess!”

“Someone wouldn’t even know where to start with all my stuff.”

“I don’t think someone could help me.”

And the biggie:

“Why would I pay someone to do something I could do myself?”

I’ve heard all the excuses.

Clutter affects relationships, quality of life, as well as mental and physical health. 

Many people feel ashamed, guilty, unworthy, or defensive when considering their belongings.

Shame of the actual or perceived messiness that surrounds them holds folks back from inviting company over.  

Guilt of facing the waste paralyzes people from making decisions. 

Unworthiness leads to apathy about their surroundings.  

Defensive behavior shows a recognition that something needs to be done, but a reluctance to change.

Shame, guilt, unworthiness, and defensiveness serve no one.  Those feelings should be tossed out with the garbage so that one is left with confidence, self-worth, and peace

This is why I tell all of my clients there is NO condemnation, only consultation.

While providing perfectly practical strategies, I encourage my clients to make decisions that are true to their unique circumstances and embolden them to take command of their space and belongings.

You own your stuff, your stuff doesn’t own you.

Have a perfectly practical, practically perfect day!

Julie Willis

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